
Thursday, July 29, 2010

My running story-part I

Some people start running because their doctor told them they needed to lose weight.

Some people start running because it was just something they were born to do.

Some people start running because they have to look good in that bikini.

I started running because I started hating the gym and I needed a way to burn off some steam from grad school.

That was in 2008. I started the C25K program. I used these podcasts. Everything was lovely. I was running in Schenley Park every other day with my fiance (now husband). I even did a couple of 5k races. And then IT happened. Yup, I got injured. I'm not really sure what happened or how I was injured because I never went to see a doctor (I know, I know!). All I know is my left knee hurt all the time and if I sat indian style for a while it was really hard to walk. So I didn't run. I went back to the dreaded gym. I didn't run from September 2008 to April 2009.

I married my best friend on May 23, 2009. The month before I decided to try out running again to deal with the stress of wedding planning and preparing for my comprehensive exam in grad school. Guess what? My knee felt fine! It was awesome. I loved that feeling of running again. I kept it slow and easy. After the honeymoon, I decided I was going to participate in the Aliferis Memorial 15K (there is also a bike race/tour and 5K). Much to my surprise they scratched the 15K and made it a half marathon instead. And that's when I decided I was going to be a runner and train for this race.

I'll continue more tomorrow!

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